
Clear aligner therapy

Gradually straighten your teeth

Invisalign Treatment - London

In 1998, Align Technology introduced the Invisalign System, a series of custom-made clear aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. Invisalign aligners don’t have metal components, like metal braces, and therfore do not irritate your mouth. You can remove them when you eat, you don’t need to watch what you eat like you would when wearing traditional braces.
he Invisalign system is used for straightening teeth with a series of custom-made clear aligners for each patient.The clear aligners are removable, making it easier to eat, drink, brush and floss.

Dr. Farahani is an Invisalign certified provider, he will take photos, X-rays, and a 3D scan of your bite to create a 3D image of your teeth. then We make custom-fitted aligners from these 3D scans, and you begin straightening your teeth by wearing these Invisalign aligners for 12–18 months. you may need to use up to 30 sets of algners during your treatment.

You need to wear Invisalign aligners for about 22 hours a day, however you can remove them for brushing your teeth and eating.

Step 1

Dental records are taken (e.g. photos, X-rays, intra-oral scans and/or impressions)

Step 2

Your individual 3D treatment plan is created using your records and treatment prescription

Step 3

A series of custom-made aligners are made using advanced 3D computer imaging printing technology. Your aligners are shipped to this dental practice, and we will contact you to make your first aligner-fitting appointment.

Step 4

You will be fitted with your aligners and given 3-4 sets to take home.

Step 5

At check ups every 6 – 8 weeks, your doctor will give you the next 3 – 4 aligners in the series.

Step 6

You will be fitted for retainers, which will help protect your new smile by holding your teeth in their new position.